PO Box 1, Flagler, CO 80815
(719) 765-4321
"Eastern Colorado's
leading Turf and tree care company"
Proudly serving Eastern Colorado for over 35 Years!

Gary Elrick - Owner & Operator of Green Horizons
The Green Horizons Team

Green Horizons has been providing lawn and tree service for the residents of Eastern Colorado since 1987. Owner and operator, Gary Elrick began this venture fresh out of college. He made up some business cards and brochures and started walking door to door. Although the task was trying and at many times disappointing, lucky for Gary about 250 people said they would give him a chance.
The summer of 1987 Gary also got married! Not only did he acquire a wife, but also a wonderful business partner, Angie. She turned out to be organized and a great bookkeeper: a definite asset for the company.
Green Horizons has been fortunate to have several "key" employees which are the backbone of the company. Each member of our team brings a hard work ethic and individual talents and strengths which completes the organization.
Gary's goal at the beginning was to fertilize and spray lawns and trees for 10 years, but now 30 years later, because of all of you, Green Horizons is bigger than ever! Gary has grown that once pickup and trailer system into a fleet of trucks and machinery that are eagerly working to meet the needs of over 1,100 customers. Gary has made "bringing the best possible products and service to his customers" the company's highest priority!