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PO Box 1, Flagler, CO 80815
(719) 765-4321
"Eastern Colorado's
leading Turf and tree care company"
Green Horizons handles various color, styles and sizes
of landscape rock and mulch.
You can arrange for pick up at our shop location south of town
(16500 Co Rd 5, Flagler which is 1/2 mile south of the I-70 exit)
or we can arrange for delivery. Please give us a call for prices.

Mountain Granite - Black/Red
3/4" or 1-1/2"

Pioneer Granite - Red/Black
3/4" or 1-1/2"

Pioneer Red - Red

Butter Cream - White/Cream

River Rock
2" to 6"

Rip Rap
4" to 12"

Western Red Cedar Mulch

Boulders - Various Sizes
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